Counting Pairs

One question of interest when dealing with paired-end reads is what was the length of the sequence that the paired mates originally came from. We mapped D. melanogaster DNA,  100 bp paired-end reads, to the genome with BWA. Among other information, BWA returns the observed template length (TLEN) for each read and its mate. With this information, producing a histogram of the fragment lengths is simply a matter of extracting the proper field from the SAM/BAM file.

We used Pysam to read the BAM file. While reading we filtered read pairs and rejected any read that had a base call quality or mapping quality less than 30. We also rejected read pairs when one of the pair did not map. For the pairs that passed the filter, we simply count the number with each TLEN. We save the counts in a file for plotting with R.

Here's the counting code:
def ReadBamFile(bam_file):
    ReadBamFile - read a bam file and count nucleotides by context
    bam_file - bam file containing reads
    counts - a dictionary with counts for each template length

    We count reads that have mapped pairs.

    def read_ok(aln):
        read_ok - is a reak suitable for further processing
        aln - a PySam AlignedRead object

        True if the read is ok
        if aln.is_unmapped:
            return False
        if aln.mapq < _MAP_QUAL_CUTOFF:
            return False

        # note qual is offset by 64
        if any([c-64 < _BASE_QUAL_CUTOFF for c in aln.qual]):
            return False
            return True

    chroms = ['chr2L', 'chr2R', 'chr3L', 'chr3R', 'chr4', 'chrX'] # we only look at these chromosomes
    counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    read_ids = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    read_count = 0
    # open the file
    f = pysam.Samfile(bam_file, 'rb')
    for read in f.fetch():
        read_count += 1
        if f.getrname(read.tid) in chroms:
            if read_ok(read):    # only count if read has quality lt 30
                if read.is_paired and not read.mate_is_unmapped:   # both mates must be mapped
                    read_ids[read.qname] += 1                
                    if read_ids[read.qname] == 2:
                        del read_ids[read.qname]   # this is the second mate, delete it from the list to save space
                        counts[abs(read.tlen)] += 1
                        if abs(read.tlen) > 20000000:   # debugging
                            print(read.qname, read.pos, read.pnext, read.tlen, f.getrname(read.tid))

    return counts

The full code can be downloaded.

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