Sense and Ant-sense

In genomics sense refers to the direction of transcription of translation. A strand of DNA is called the sense strand if an RNA version of the same sequence is translated or translatable into protein. In the genome reference sequence genes are labeled as being on the '+' or '-' strand to indicate their sense.

We want to count the number of reads mapped to genes and exons in the sense and anti-sense directions. As we did, previously, we will use an interval tree to store the gene and exon locations. Given the location, we search the gene interval tree for an overlap. If found and the direction of the read mapping matches the gene direction, we count it as being in the sense direction. We perform a similar search for the exons. One complication is that because of alternate splicing, a read may be indicated as overlapping several genes. We will need to be careful to count each read only once.

def ReadBamFile(chrom, chrom_path, bam_file, gene_tree):
    ReadBamFile - read a bam file and count coverage
    chrom - chromosome name e.g. chr2L
    bam_file - input bam file
    gene_tree - an interval tree of gene locations
    counts - total good reads
    sense_counts - reads mapping to genes in the sense direction
    antisense_counts - reads mapping to genes in the anti-sense direction
    sense_exon_counts, antisense_exon_counts - reads mapping to exons

    def read_ok(aln, bad_reads):
        read_ok - reject reads with a low quality (lt 30) base call
        aln - a PySam AlignedRead object
        bad_reads - a dictionary of read ids with low quality
        returns: True if the read is ok

        We maintain a dictionary of rejected reads, so once a read is flagged
        we don't seach it's quality list again
        if aln.qname in bad_reads.keys():
            return False

        if any([ord(c)-33 < _BASE_QUAL_CUTOFF for c in list(aln.qual)]):
            bad_reads[aln.qname] = 1
            return False
            return True


    counts = 0
    sense_counts = 0
    antisense_counts = 0
    sense_exon_counts = 0
    antisense_exon_counts = 0

    bad_reads = dict()
    in_file = pysam.Samfile(bam_file, 'rb')
    for read in in_file.fetch():
        if read_ok(read, bad_reads):
            counts += 1
            out = []
            gene_tree.intersect(tr.interval(chrom, read.positions[0],
                                            lambda x: out.append(x))
            if out != []:
                is_sense = []
                is_sense_exon = []
                for x in out:   # out is a list of overlaps
                    for gene in x.chain:    # loop through each gene in the chain
                        if gene.strand == '+':
                            if not read.is_reverse:  # count as sense if read is same direction as gene
                                out2 = []
                                gene.exons.intersect(tr.interval(, read.positions[0],
                                                     lambda y: out2.append(y))
                                if out2 != []:
                                out2 = []
                                gene.exons.intersect(tr.interval(, read.positions[0],
                                                     lambda y: out2.append(y))
                                if out2 != []:
                            if read.is_reverse:
                                out2 = []
                                gene.exons.intersect(tr.interval(, read.positions[0],
                                                     lambda y: out2.append(y))
                                if out2 != []:
                                out2 = []
                                gene.exons.intersect(tr.interval(, read.positions[0],
                                                     lambda y: out2.append(y))
                                if out2 != []:

                if any(is_sense):
                    sense_counts += 1
                    antisense_counts += 1
                if is_sense_exon != []:
                    if any(is_sense_exon):
                        sense_exon_counts += 1
                        antisense_exon_counts += 1

    return counts, sense_counts, antisense_counts, sense_exon_counts, antisense_exon_counts

The program can be downloaded.

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