Swimming Upstream

 For a recent project I needed sequence regions upstream (preceding then 5' end of the gene) of a set of orthologous genes. The orthologs for a gene of interest are obtained from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene. For example, searching for JAK2 orthologs at that site yields a table of JAK2 genes for a large number of species. After selecting species, the ortholog table can be downloaded.

Fetching Genomes

Since I wanted to analyze a number of different genes, I decided to automate the process of getting the upstream regions. The first step was to fetch the GenBank records for the genomes of the selected species. The GenBank IDs for each species are included in the downloaded ortholog table.

Fetching genomes is straightforward, if a bit slow. It uses Pandas to read the ortholog Table from NCBI and BioPython.Entrez to download the complete GenBank record for the genome.

def main():
    args = GetArgs()
    genome_path = args.genome_path
    ortholog_table_file = args.ortholog_table

    if genome_path[-1] != '/':
        genome_path += '/'

    # read the table and get a list of genomes
    ortholog_table = pd.read_csv(ortholog_table_file, delimiter = '\t')
    genome_list = ortholog_table['genomic_nucleotide_accession.version'].to_list()

    # NCBI wants to know who is downloading
    Entrez.email = 'analyticgarden@gmail.com'
    Entrez.tool = 'BioPython'

    # get the file from NCBI and write it in GenBank format
    for genome_id in genome_list:
        handle = Entrez.efetch(db = 'nuccore', id = genome_id, rettype = 'gbwithparts', retmode = 'text')
        record = SeqIO.read(handle, format = 'genbank')
        filename = genome_path + genome_id + '.gb'
        print('Saving', filename)
        SeqIO.write(record, filename, 'genbank')

Indexing the Genome

BioPython organizes the GenBank file into a collection of features. Features are objects containing information about the location of the feature, whether it is read in forward or reverse direction etc. Each feature contains qualifiers that give details such as gene name, synonyms, etc. The GenBank record also contains the full sequence of the genome.

I will need to get upstream sequences for several different genes, so I wanted to have an easy way to find the features of a particular gene and also the next gene in the 5' direction. I created a dictionary with gene names as the key and the index of the gene's features stored in a list. Python lists provide fast random access, so this structure should prove sufficient.

This class implements the index.

class GeneFeatures(object):
    def __init__(self, genome_file):
        self._genes = {}
        self._features = []

    def genes(self):
        return self._genes

    def features(self):
        return self._features

    def organism(self):
        return self._organism

    def genome_sequence(self):
        return  self._genome_sequence 

    def _index_genes(self, genome_file):
        _index_genes - create an index of features for genes in this GenBank file
                       The index consists of a dict, self._gene, with gene name as key and index of the 
                       gene feature in the feature list, self._features,

        genome_file : str
            path to GenBank file.
        gb = SeqIO.read(genome_file, 'genbank')
        self._genome_sequence = gb.seq

        gene_count = 0
        for feature in gb.features:
            if feature.type == 'gene':
                if 'pseudo' not in feature.qualifiers:   # we are skipping pseudo genes
                    self._genes[feature.qualifiers['gene'][0].upper()] = gene_count
                    gene_count += 1
            elif feature.type == 'source':
                self._organism = feature.qualifiers['organism'][0].replace(' ', '_')

In order to avoid having to recreate the index for each new gene, I saved the GeneFeatures object using pickle. I save the index for each of the downloaded genomes.

def main():
    args = GetArgs()
    genome_path = args.genome_path
    output_path = args.output_path

    if genome_path[-1] != '/':
        genome_path += '/'
    if output_path is None:
        output_path = genome_path
    elif output_path[-1] != '/':
        output_path += '/'

    for p in Path(genome_path).glob('*.gb'):
        features = GeneFeatures(genome_path + p.name)
        out_file = output_path + os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(p.name)[0]) + '.pkl'
        with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(features, f)

Upstream Sequences

To get the upstream sequence for a particular gene, we load the pickle file and index into the features list. Depending on the read direction of the gene sequence we also get the feature of the preceding or following gene. The features are stored in location order in teh feature list.

def upstream_sequence(gene, gene_features, length = 1000, min_length = 100):
    upstream_sequence - grab sequence data preceding the 5' end of a gene.

    gene : str
        a gene name
    gene_features : GeneFeatures
        A GeneFeatures object for a genome.
    length : int, optional
        number of nucleotides to grab, by default 1000
    min_length : int, optional
        reject sequences shorter than this, by default 100

        A SeqRecord containing the upstream sequence or None if region is too short.

    The gene must exist in gene_features. 
    feature = gene_features.features[gene_features.genes[gene]]
    location = feature.location
    if location.strand == 1:
        end = location.start - 1
        upstream_feature = gene_features.features[gene_features.genes[gene] - 1]
        start = max(upstream_feature.location.end + 1, location.start - length)
        start = location.end + 1
        upstream_feature = gene_features.features[gene_features.genes[gene] + 1]
        end = min(upstream_feature.location.start - 1, location.end + length)

    # overlapping genes or too short intergenic
    if end - start + 1 < min_length:
        return None

    record = SeqRecord(id = gene + '_' + gene_features.organism,
                        description = "intergenic {}:{} length {}". format(start, end, end - start + 1),
                        seq = gene_features.genome_sequence[start:(end+1)])

    return record

The main routine just loads the pickle files and saves the SeqRecord returned by upstream_sequence

def main():
    args = GetArgs()
    ortholog_table_file = args.ortholog_table
    index_path = args.index_path
    gene = args.gene.upper()
    output_file = args.output_file
    seq_length = args.seq_length

    if index_path[-1] != '/':
        index_path += '/'

    ortholog_table = pd.read_csv(ortholog_table_file, delimiter = '\t')
    genome_list = list(ortholog_table['genomic_nucleotide_accession.version'])

    upstream_seqs = []
    for genome in genome_list:
        index_file = index_path + genome + '.pkl'
        with open(index_file, 'rb') as f:
            gene_features = pickle.load(f)

        rec = upstream_sequence(gene, gene_features, seq_length)
        if rec is not None:

    SeqIO.write(upstream_seqs, output_file, 'fasta')

That's it. All of the code can be found on GitHub.

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