COVID-19 Variants and Chunking

 On November 22, 2022, I downloaded a metadata file containing 13,932,236 records from GISAID in order to view the growth of several emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest.

First, the results. I plotted the growth of the variants BA.2.75, BQ.1, BQ.1.1, BQ.1.18, CL.1, and XBB in the USA from June 1 to the present. 

BQ.1. and BQ.1.1 are growing in the data. It's unclear yet whether they will have a large impact. We'll see after the Thanksgiving holidays.

Memory Issues

The metadata file is large, 9.8 GB on the disk. Loading into R on Windows takes a little over two minutes and used about 8 GB for the dataframe. For the purposes of demonstration, I'm using Windows 10 22H2, RStudio 2022.07.2, and R 4.2.2.

> system.time(meta_data <- read_tsv('data/metadata.tsv', name_repair = 'universal'))

   user  system elapsed 
 197.84    9.44  146.04 

> object.size(meta_data)
8087686552 bytes

RStudio uses 9.6 GB once the data is loaded.

PS C:\Users\bbth> Get-WmiObject WIN32_PROCESS | Sort-Object -Property ws -Descending | Select-Object -first 10 ProcessID,Name,WS

ProcessID Name                       WS
--------- ----                       --
    11956 rsession-utf8.exe  9634185216

We can do a little better with load times by using fread from the data.table library.

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.14.6 using 8 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news:
> system.time(meta_data <- fread(file = 'data/metadata.tsv', header = TRUE, sep = '\t', check.names = TRUE))
   user  system elapsed 
 111.33    4.64   94.03 

However, the load times are not a problem. Rather, memory use can be trouble.

To produce the plot, I used plot_selected_variants from this post.

> selected_variants <- c('BQ.1.18', 'BQ.1.1', 'BQ.1', 'XBB', 'BA.2.75', 'CL.1')
> system.time(df_emerging_variants_usa <- plot_selected_variants(meta_data, selected_variants = selected_variants, title = 'Emerging Variants 2022-11-22 USA', start_date = as.Date('2022-05-01')))
   user  system elapsed 
 320.61   12.34  333.17 

After running plot_selected_variants memory use climbs to 20 GB.

PS C:\Users\bbth> Get-WmiObject WIN32_PROCESS | Sort-Object -Property ws -Descending | Select-Object -first 10 ProcessID,Name,WS

ProcessID Name                        WS
--------- ----                        --
    10832 rsession-utf8.exe  20400672768

 320.61   12.34  333.17 

The code wasn't designed to be especially time or memory efficient and it's not.

#' plot_selected_variants
#'    Create dataframe and plot of selected SARS-CoV-2 variants
#' @param metadata - dataframe or tibble, GISAID metatable.
#' @param selected_variants - a vector of Pango lineage strings.
#' @param host - character, String indicating host species.
#' @param country - character, country of interest. If NULL, all countries are included.
#' @param title - character, optional plot title
#' @return - a dataframe
#'    containing the columns
#', Pango.lineage, Count
plot_selected_variants <- function(metadata,
                                   host = 'Human', 
                                   country = 'USA',
                                   title = NULL,
                                   start_date = as.Date("2020-01-01")) {
  # filter by host, lineage, and location
  df_BA <- metadata %>% 
    filter(Host == {{ host }}) %>%
    select(, Location, Pango.lineage) %>% 
    separate(Location, c("Region", "Country", "State"), sep = "\\s*/\\s*", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>%
    select(-c("Region", "State")) %>%
    mutate( = as.Date(, format = '%Y-%m-%d')) %>%
    filter( >= start_date)
  if(! is.null(country)) {
      df_BA <- df_BA %>%
      filter(Country == {{ country }})
  # select lineages and count them
  df_BA <- df_BA %>%
    filter(Pango.lineage %in% {{ selected_variants }}) %>% 
    group_by(, Pango.lineage) %>% 
    count() %>% 
    rename(Count = n) %>% 
  p <- ggplot(df_BA) +
    geom_bar(aes(x =, y = Count, color = Pango.lineage, fill = Pango.lineage), stat = 'identity')
  if(! is.null(title))
    p <- p + ggtitle(title)



It's possible to improve memory use by not loading the entire data set into memory.  We don't need the entire database to generate the plot, just an aggregated subset of the columns. R provides the chunked library to process a data file in blocks. chunked implements as subset of dplyr commands to filter data. Filtering doesn't require the entire set of data. Essentially, we could read through the file a line at a time and extract the required data. On the other hand, to group and sum categories of data requires access to the full subset of the data. We can filter the data a chunk at a  time, create a dataframe from the combined chunks, and use dplyr and ggplot commands to plot the data.

#' get_selected_variants
#'    Create dataframe and plot of selected SARS-CoV-2 variants
#' @param metafile - a meta data file from GISAID
#' @param selected_variants - a vector of Pango lineage strings.
#' @param host - character, String indicating host species.
#' @param country - character, country of interest. If NULL, all countries are included.
#' @param title - character, optional plot title
#' @return - a dataframe
#'    containing the columns
#', Pango.lineage, Count
get_selected_variants <- function(metafile,
                                  host = 'Human', 
                                  country = 'USA',
                                  title = NULL,
                                  start_date = as.Date("2020-01-01")) {
  # filter by host, lineage, date, and location
  df_BA <- read_table_chunkwise(metafile, sep = '\t') %>% 
    filter(Host == {{ host }}) %>%
    select(, Location, Pango.lineage) %>%
    mutate( = as.Date(, format = '%Y-%m-%d')) %>%
    filter( >= {{ start_date }}) %>%
    filter(Pango.lineage %in% {{ selected_variants }}) %>%

  # extract country from location
  df_BA <- df_BA %>%
    separate(Location, c("Region", "Country", "State"), sep = "\\s*/\\s*", extra = "drop", fill = "right")

  # filter by country
  if(! is.null(country)) {
    df_BA <- df_BA %>%
      filter(Country == {{ country }})

  # accumulate counts
  df_BA <- df_BA %>%
    select(, Pango.lineage) %>%
    group_by(, Pango.lineage) %>%
    count() %>%
    rename(Count = n) %>%
    drop_na() %>%
  p <- ggplot(df_BA) +
    geom_bar(aes(x =, y = Count, color = Pango.lineage, fill = Pango.lineage), stat = 'identity')
  if(! is.null(title))
    p <- p + ggtitle(title)

>system.time(df_emerging_variants_usa2 <- get_selected_variants('data/metadata.tsv', selected_variants = selected_variants, start_date = as.Date('2022-05-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')))

   user  system elapsed 
 167.50   10.28  179.73
Using chunked is a bit faster than the previous version. In addition, memory use is vastly improved.
Down from 20 GB to 216 MB!

PPS C:\Users\bbth> Get-WmiObject WIN32_PROCESS | Sort-Object -Property ws -Descending | Select-Object -first 10 ProcessID,Name,WS

ProcessID Name                       WS
--------- ----                       --
    22832 rsession-utf8.exe   216952832

The code can be found on GitHub.

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