H5N1 Part 2


In a previous post, I looked at the countries posting H5N1 HA sequences to GISAID and the host species that the samples were drawn from. This time I want to look at the variation in the data to identify possible mutations.

It has been reported that a glutamine to leucine mutation at residue 226 of the HA amino acid sequence increased specificity of host recognition from avian to human. 

In order to get a sense of the current mutation landscape as reported to GISAID, I aligned 3,432 sequences from the time period January 1 2024 to December 12, 2024 using MAFFT. The sequences were aligned to a reference sequence, PP755589 HA sequence from GenBank. See also this GitHub page.

time mafft --6merpair --maxambiguous 0.05 --preservecase --thread -1 --addfragments data/gisaid_epiflu_sequence_HA_2024_12_12.fasta data/HA_reference.fasta > data/gisaid_HA_2024_12_12_aln.fasta

To process the sequences, I used BioPython to read the aligned sequences  into a dictionary.

def read_alignment_file(filename: str) -> tuple[dict[str, SeqRecord.SeqRecord], Align.MultipleSeqAlignment]:
    """ Read an MSA FASTA file

    filename : str
        MSA file

    tuple[dict[str, SeqRecord.SeqRecord], Align.MultipleSeqAlignment]
        A tuple:
            a dictionary with record ID as key and SeqRecords as value
            a BioAlign Multiple Sequence Alignment
    alignment = AlignIO.read(open(filename), "fasta")

    align_dict = dict()
    for record in alignment:
        align_dict[record.id] = record
            return (align_dict, alignment)

Next, the aligned positions were mapped to the reference sequence positions.

def ref_pos_to_alignment(align: dict[str, SeqRecord.SeqRecord], ref_id: str) -> dict[int, int]:
    """Map aligned positions to reference sequence

    align : Dictionary returned by read_alignment_file
        A BioPython MSA
    ref_id : str
        ID of reference seq

    dict[int, int]
        A dictionary
            key: alignment position
            value: position in reference sequence, or -1 id a gap position
    ref_seq = align[ref_id].seq

    pos_map = dict()
    ref_pos = 0    # 0 based
    for pos in range(len(ref_seq)):
        if ref_seq[pos] in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']:
            pos_map[pos] = ref_pos
            ref_pos += 1
            pos_map[pos] = -1

    return pos_map

We then select the aligned columns containing variation.

def get_varying_columns(align: Align.MultipleSeqAlignment,
                        consensus_cutoff: float = 1.0,
                        start: int = 0, end: int = -1) -> dict[int, VaryingCol]:
    """Iterate across columns and find columns in alignment that vary more than consensus_cutoff

    align : Align.MultipleSeqAlignment
        A BioPython MSA
    consensus_cutoff : float, optional
        Cutoff for consensus. Only columns with consensus freq less that this value are accepted, by default 1.0
    start : int, optional
        Start searching at this columns, by default 0
    end : int, optional
        last column to search. If -1, end is last column. , by default -1

    dict[int, VaryingCol]
        A dictionary
            key: column position
            value: a VaryingCol object
    if end == -1:
        end = align.get_alignment_length()
    variant_cols = dict()
    for col in range(start, end):
        c = Counter(align[:, col])
        common = c.most_common(1)
        if common[0][0] in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']:
            denom = sum([c[k] for k in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', '-']])
            freq = common[0][1] / denom
            if freq < consensus_cutoff:
                # variant_cols[col] = (freq, tuple(list(align[:, col])))
                variant_cols[col] = VaryingCol(freq, tuple(list(align[:, col])))

    return variant_cols

    return pos_map

The function returns a VaryingCol object in a dictionary.

class VaryingCol:
    A dataclass for holding info about an aligned column with variation
    pct:    float
    data:   tuple   # tuple so that it is immutable

Once we have the columns, we can count the mutations and retrieve the changed codons.

def count_mutations(variant_cols: dict[int, tuple[float, list[float, list[str]]]],
                    pos_map: dict[int, int],
                    align_length: int) -> dict[int, MutationCounts]:
    """Count the common nucleotides and alternates

    variant_cols : dict[int, tuple[float, list[float, list[str]]]]
        A dictionary returned by et_varying_column
    pos_map : dict[int, int]
        A dictionary returned by ref_pos_to_alignment
    align_length : int
        The number of rows in the alignment

    dict[str, dict[str, int | float | str]]
        A dictionary
            key: reference position
            value: a MutationCounts object
    mutations = dict()
    for pos, rec in variant_cols.items():
        ref_pos = pos_map[pos]
        nucleotides = rec.data
        c = Counter(nucleotides)
        ref_nuc = c.most_common(2)[0][0]
        ref_freq = c.most_common(2)[0][1] / align_length
        alt_nuc = c.most_common(2)[1][0]
        alt_freq = c.most_common(2)[1][1] / align_length
        mutations[ref_pos] = MutationCounts(align_pos = pos, ref_pos = ref_pos,
                                            ref_nuc = ref_nuc, ref_freq = ref_freq, 
                                            alt_nuc = alt_nuc, alt_freq = alt_freq)
    return mutations

def get_codons(gb_ref: SeqRecord, mutations:  dict[int, MutationCounts]) -> None:
    """get codons and alternate codons for mutated positions

    gb_ref : SeqRecord
        Genbank record of reference sequnec
    mutations : dict[int, MutationCounts]
        a dictionary of MutationCounts for mutatated columns returned by count_mutations
        key: reference seq column
        value: a MutationCounts object
    Note: mutations is altered by this function
    seq = list(gb_ref.seq)
    for pos in range(len(seq)):
        if pos in mutations.keys():
            mutations[pos].codon_pos = int(pos / 3) * 3
            mutations[pos].codon = "".join(seq[mutations[pos].codon_pos:mutations[pos].codon_pos+3])
            mutations[pos].aa = str(Seq(mutations[pos].codon).translate())
            mutations[pos].aa_name = seq3(mutations[pos].aa)
            pos_in_codon = pos % 3
            s = list(mutations[pos].codon)
            s[pos_in_codon] = mutations[pos].alt_nuc
            mutations[pos].alt_codon = "".join(s)
            mutations[pos].alt_aa = str(Seq(mutations[pos].alt_codon).translate())
            mutations[pos].alt_aa_name = seq3(mutations[pos].alt_aa)

The MutationCounts class is defined as:

class MutationCounts:
    A data class for holding mutation data
    align_pos:      int     # positions are 0 indexed
    ref_pos:        int
    ref_nuc:        str
    ref_freq:       float
    alt_nuc:        str
    alt_freq:       float
    codon_pos:      int = -1 
    codon:          str = ""
    aa:             str = ""
    aa_name:        str = ""
    alt_codon:      str = ""
    alt_aa:         str = ""
    alt_aa_name:    str = ""
    def to_list(self) -> list:
        """convert self to a list

            A list of elements from self
        return [self.ref_pos + 1, self.align_pos + 1,
                self.ref_freq, self.alt_freq,
                self.ref_nuc, self.codon_pos + 1,
                self.aa, self.aa_name, self.codon,
                self.alt_nuc, self.alt_aa, self.alt_aa_name, self.alt_codon,
                self.aa + str(self.codon_pos + 1) + self.alt_aa,
                'syn' if self.aa == self.alt_aa else 'non_syn']

The rest of the code just writes mutated columns as a CSV file.  The first 10 columns are shown.


The good news, at least so fa, is that the Gln to Leu in at position 226 in amino acid sequence isn't found with a significance in the data.

You can get the full source code on GitHub.

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