Kalman Filter and Change Points

One should clearly distinguish between two aspects of the estimation problem: (1) The theoretical aspect. Here interest centers on: (i) The general form of the solution. (ii) Conditions which guarantee a priori the existence, physical realizability, and stability of the optimal filter. (iii) Characterization of the general results in terms of some simple quantities, such as signal-to-noise ratio, information rate, bandwidth, etc... (2) The computational aspect. The classical (more accurately, old-fashioned) view is that a mathematical problem is solved if the solution is expressed by a formula. It is not a trivial matter, however, to substitute numbers in a formula. The current literature on the Wiener problem is full of semi-rigorously derived formulas which turn out to be unusable for practical computation when the order of the system becomes even moderately large... 

~ Rudolf E. Kalman

In a pair of previous posts (here and here) I looked at examples of simple Kalman Filters. I also looked at the Bayesian change point process (here). In this post I would like to look at the problems that arise when I try to combine them.

Bayesian Change Point

The Bayesian change point method is described in Bayesian inference on biopolymer models by Liu and Lawrence. A simple example is shown in the Changes post. In that example, we had some data consisting of counts. We assumed that the data was segmented into several regions. The distribution of the data in each region differed, but could be described by a common model, albeit with different model parameters. With that assumption, the process of discovering the segments is relatively simple.  First, calculate all of the possible singe segments in the data. That is, assuming Y represents the data array, calculate

\[P({Y_{ij}})\,for\,i = 1..N - 1;j = i + 1..N\]

$P({Y_{ij}})$ is the probability of the data from position i to position j. This process is $O({N^2})$. N is the length of the data. The details of keeping track if i and j this in code can get a little tricky because of complications such as fence post problems. In the example linked above, I could calculate $P({Y_{ij}})$ because I assumed that the data followed a Poisson distribution and we assumed that the parameter of the Poisson distribution was drawn from a Gamma distribution. In other words, I could get a number for the probability of the data in each single segment of the data. See https://analyticgarden.blogspot.com/2018/01/changes.html for details.

Once the single segment probabilities are calculated, the probability of 2, 3, ... ${k_{\max }}$ segments from position 1 up to position i can be calculated recursively. ${k_{\max }}$ represents our assumption about the maximum number of possible different segments there are in the data. The details are in the link above. Once the segments are calculated, sampling will estimate the positions of the change points.

The process is computationally expensive. The segmentation process is $O({k_{\max }}{N^3})$ computationally and $O({N^2})$ in memory. Sampling is $O({k_{\max }}{N})$ computationally with another $O(N)$ or so to keep track of the samples. Despite the cost,  I have used it successfully on sequences of DNA (with a different probability model) and it works well.

The Kalman Filter

In two previous posts, I looked at simple Kalman filters. In https://analyticgarden.blogspot.com/2018/04/local-trend-kalman-filter.html I looked at some temperature anomaly data from the  NASA Global Climate Change site and used a Kalman filter to model the trend in the data.

It looks like there might be distinct regions in the data where the trend differs. Maybe this is a candidate for a change point Kalman filter.

A simple Kalman filter called a linear growth model or local linear trend model can be used to fit the data. Here's the model using notation from Dynamic Linear Models in R by Giovanni Petris, Sonia Petrone, and Patrizia Campagnoli.

\[{Y_t} = {u_t} + {v_t}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{v_t} \sim N(0,V)\]

\[{\mu _t} = {\mu _{t - 1}} + {\beta _{t - 1}} + {w_{t,1}}\,\,{w_{t,1}} \sim N(0,\sigma _\mu ^2)\]

\[{\beta _t} = {\beta _{t - 1}} + {w_{t,2}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{w_{t,2}} \sim N(0,\sigma _\beta ^2)\]

${\beta _t}$ represents a trend.

Here's some code to fit the data with a local linear trend Kalman filter using R's dlm package. It fits the filter and also returns a smoothed version of the Kalman filter.

#' trend_filter - a local linear trend Kalman filter
#' @param df - a dataframe with columns Year and Temperature_Anomaly
#' @param title - a string, option title for main plot.
#' @return - a list
#'           dlm - a dlm returned by the dlm function
#'           kf - the Kalman filter returned by dlmFilter
#'           smooth - the moothed Kalman filter
#'           LL - the log likelihood of the filter
trend_filter <- function(df, 
                      title = NULL) {
  # see Dynamic Linear Models with R by Giovanni Petris, Sonia Petrone, and Patrizia Campagnoli
  # model is in section 2.4
  # Minimization function used by dlmMLE
  # parameters are fit as exponentions to avoind negative variances
  # from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dlm/vignettes/dlm.pdf
  buildFun <- function(x, FF, GG, m0, C0) {
    dlm(V = exp(x[1]), 
        W = diag(c(exp(x[2]), exp(x[3]))),
        FF = FF,
        GG = GG,
        m0 = m0,
        C0 = C0)

  # set up the model
  FF <-  matrix(c(1, 0), nr = 1)
  V <- 1.4
  GG <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), nr = 2)
  W <- diag(c(0.1, 0.2))
  m0 <- rep(0, 2)
  C0 <- 10 * diag(2)

  # optimize V and the W's
  fit <- dlmMLE(df$Temperature_Anomaly, parm = c(0, 0, 0), build = buildFun, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                FF = FF,
                GG = GG,
                m0 = m0,
                C0 = C0)
  V <- exp(fit$par[1])
  W <- diag(exp(fit$par[2:3]))
  # the dlm model
  d <- dlm(V = V, 
           W = W,
           FF = FF, 
           GG = GG, 
           m0 = m0, 
           C0 = C0)
  # get filter and smoothed filter
  res <- dlmFilter(df$Temperature_Anomaly, d)
  s <- dlmSmooth(res)
  ll <- dlmLL(df$Temperature_Anomaly, d)
  # plot everything
  df2 <- data.frame(df, Fit = res$m[-1, 1], Smoothed = s$s[-1, 1])

  p <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = Year, y = Temperature_Anomaly, color = "Temperature Anomaly")) + 
    geom_point() + 
    # geom_line() +
    geom_point(aes(x = Year, y = Fit, color = "Posterior Estimate")) + 
    geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = Fit, color = "Posterior Estimate")) +
    geom_point(aes(x = Year, y = Smoothed, color = "Smoothed Estimate")) + 
    geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = Smoothed, color = "Smoothed Estimate")) +
    ylab('Temperature Anomaly') +
    scale_colour_manual(name = '',
                        values = c("brown", "blue", "seagreen")) 
  if(! is.null(title)) {
    p <- p + ggtitle(title)
  return(list(dlm = d, kf = res, smooth = s, LL = -ll))

In the model above ${\mu _t}$ is the mean of the data and the temperatures are normally distributed around the mean with variance $\sigma _\mu ^2$. We can think of the variances as parameters. The code above used maximum likelihood estimation to find locally optimal values for the variances in the model. 

\[V = {\rm{6}}{\rm{.812986e - 03}}\]

\[W = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\rm{1}}{\rm{.912239e - 03}}}&0\\0&{{\rm{3}}{\rm{.104825e - 13}}}\end{array}} \right)\]

Change Point and Kalman Filter

If I  try to apply the change point method with the Kalman filter, I immediately run into some difficulties. The Kalman filter assumes that the data (Y) is normally distributed around the filter. The change point algorithm requires the calculation of $P({Y_{ij}})$. 

The first of the Kalman filter equations above can be rewritten

\[{Y_t} \sim N({\mu _t},V)\]

In other words, 

\[P({Y_t};{\mu _t},V) = \frac{1}{{\sqrt {2\pi V} }}{e^{ - \frac{1}{2}{{\left( {\frac{{{Y_t} - {\mu _t}}}{{\sqrt V }}} \right)}^2}}}\]

To get $P({Y_t})$ it is necessary to integrate over all the possible values of V and ${\mu _t}$ (i.e. marginalize). But, ${\mu _t}$ comes from a recursive formula and there's no way to get a closed form to integrate.

$P({Y_t})$ can't be found by marginalization, but $P({Y_t}|V,\sigma _\mu ^2,\sigma _\beta ^2)$ can be. The log likelihood of the Kalman filter can conveniently be calculated. In the example above, the code returns the optimal log likelihood. Perhaps, the exponential of the optimal likelihood could be used instead of the marginal probability. Bayesians are probably aghast at this point, but it might be worth a try. One note of caution is that the likelihood is commonly multimodal, so the estimated likelihood may not be globally optimal.

Here's a large pile of Python code that uses the MLE estimate for $P({Y_t}|V,\sigma _\mu ^2,\sigma _\beta ^2)$. It is implemented using the  LocalLinearTrend class from statsmodels.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
        A python program implementing a Bayesian change point routine
        based on a Local Linear Trend Kalman Filter.
        See Bayesian inference on biopolymer models by Liu and Lawrence and
        https://analyticgarden.blogspot.com/2018/01/changes.html for
        change point details.

@author: Bill Thompson
@license: GPL 3
@copyright: 2021_09_03
import sys
import argparse
import time
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as sp
import statsmodels.api as sm
import warnings

# from https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/examples/notebooks/generated/statespace_local_linear_trend.html
# see also Dynmaic Linear Models with R chapter 2

# Create a new class with parent sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel
class LocalLinearTrend(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
    # Define the initial parameter vector; see update() below for a note
    # on the required order of parameter values in the vector
    start_params = [1.0, 1.0]
    # We require a single instantiation argument, the
    # observed dataset, called `endog` here.
    def __init__(self, endog):
        k_states = k_posdef = 2
        super(LocalLinearTrend, self).__init__(endog, 
                                         k_states = k_states,
                                         k_posdef = k_posdef,
        # Specify the fixed elements of the state space matrices
        self.ssm['design'] = np.array([1, 0])
        self.ssm['transition'] = np.array([[1, 1],
                                           [0, 1]])
        self.ssm['selection'] = np.eye(k_states)
        # Cache some indices
        self._state_cov_idx = ('state_cov',) + np.diag_indices(k_posdef)
    # Here we define how to update the state space matrices with the
    # parameters. Note that we must include the **kwargs argument
    def update(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
        # Using the parameters in a specific order in the update method
        # implicitly defines the required order of parameters
        params = super(LocalLinearTrend, self).update(params, *args, **kwargs)
        self.ssm['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[0]
        self.ssm[self._state_cov_idx] = params[1:]

def GetArgs():
    GetArgs - return arguments from command line. 
    Use -h to see all arguments and their defaults.

    args - Parameter values.
        A Parser object.
    def ParseArgs(parser):
        class Parser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
            def error(self, message):
                sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % message)

        parser = Parser(description='Bayesian Change Point Kalman filter')
                            Input file (required).
                            Must contain columns Year and Temperature_Anomaly
        parser.add_argument('-k', '--max_num_segments',
                            required = False,
                            default = 10,
                            help='Maximum number of segments (default = 10)')
        parser.add_argument('-n', '--num_samples',
                            default = 1000,
                            help='Number of sample iterations. Default=1000')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--rand_seed',
                            help='Random mumber generator seed.')
        return parser.parse_args()

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bayesain Poisson Change Point Data')
    args = ParseArgs(parser)

    return args

def normalize(p):
        normalize a numpy array of probabilities.

    p : numpy array
        A numpty array or list of probability values.

    numpy array
        A normaized numpy array. np.sum(array) = 1.
    A values in p must be numeric and >= 0.

    if np.sum(p) == 0:
        return np.array([0])
    return np.array(p)/np.sum(p)

def optimize_params(model):
    optimize_params - find optimal variances for Kalman filter.

    model : a LocalLinearTrend object

    A scipy.optimize.minimize object
    Unknown variances are parameterized by their logs to avoind negative values.

    def neg_loglike(params):
        return -model.loglike(np.exp(params))        
    output = minimize(neg_loglike, 
                      # model.start_params, 
                      [ 0.01, 0.01, 0.01], 
                      # [0.006553403, 0.009242106, 0.00597295], # from trend_gibbs.R
    return output

def calcSegments(Y, kmax):
    calcSegments - Calculate the likelihood of a Kalman filter for each
    possible segement of Y.

    Y : numpy array
        A sequence of values, a time series.
    kmax : int
        Number of segments.

    S : numpy array
        S[k, i,j - likelihood of Y[i:j] containing k segments.
    pkdata : numpy array
        P(k|Y) - probability of k segments.
    obs_vars : numpy array
        obs_var[i:j] Saved observation varainace for Kalnam filter of Y[i:j].
    state_vars_1 : numpy array
        state_vars_1[i:j] Saved state varaince 1 (mu)for Kalnam filter of Y[i:j].
    state_vars_2 : numpy array
        state_vars_2[i:j] Saved state varaince 2 (slope) for Kalnam filter of Y[i:j].
    This code is horrible. I apologize.
    First of all, S is terribly inefficent and wastes a ton of memory.
    It will be fixed later.
    Also, maximim likelihood of the parameters is the wrong thing to do. 
    I only use it because I don't know of any way to integrate out 
    the parameters of P(Y[i:j] | epsilon, eta_1, eta_2) to get P(Y[i:j]).
    This function returns too many objects. A data class should be made
    and return an object of that class.
    S = np.zeros((kmax, len(Y), len(Y)))
    obs_vars = np.zeros((len(Y), len(Y)))
    state_vars_1 = np.zeros((len(Y), len(Y)))
    state_vars_2 = np.zeros((len(Y), len(Y)))
    # calculate P(x[i:j],k=0) for all possible subsequences
    for i in range(len(Y)):
        print('i =', i)
        # for j in range(i, len(Y)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(Y)):  # this loop could be run in parallel
            kf = LocalLinearTrend(Y[i:j+1])
            output = optimize_params(kf)
            ll = - output.fun
            S[0,i,j] = np.exp(ll)
            obs_vars[i, j] = np.exp(output.x[0])
            state_vars_1[i, j] = np.exp(output.x[1])
            state_vars_2[i, j] = np.exp(output.x[2])

    # calculate P[x[:j]|k) for k > 0 for all possible ending positions with k-1 change points
    for k in range(1, kmax):
        for j in range(len(Y)):
            s = 0
            for v in range(j):
                s += S[k-1, 0, v] * S[0, v+1, j]
            S[k, 0, j] = s

    pkdata = np.zeros(kmax)    
    p_prior = np.zeros(kmax)  # prior for k
    p_prior[0] = 0.5
    p_prior[1:kmax] = np.array([0.5/(k+1) for k in range(1, kmax)])
    for k in range(kmax):
        pkdata[k] = ((S[k, 0, len(Y)-1]/kmax) / sp.comb(len(Y), k)) * p_prior[k]
    pkdata = normalize(pkdata)

    return S, pkdata, obs_vars, state_vars_1, state_vars_2

def backsample(Y, 
               S, pkdata, 
               obs_vars, state_vars_1, state_vars_2,
               samples = 1000,
               tol = 1e-12):
    backsample - sample change points from S and save data.
    See Liu and Lawrence and 
    https://analyticgarden.blogspot.com/2018/01/changes.html for details.

    Y : numpy array
        Original timeseries data.
    S : numpy array
        Segment array returned from calcSegments.
    pkdata : numpy array
        P(k | Y) returned from calcSegments.
    obs_vars : numpy array
        Saved observation variance from calcSegments.
    state_vars_1 : numpy array
        Saved state variance from calcSegments.
    state_vars_2 : numpy array
        Saved state variance from calcSegments.
    kmax : int
        Number of segments.
    samples : int, optional
        Number of samples. The default is 1000.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance to see if sum of probs is really 1. The default is 1e-12.

    k_samples : numpy array
        Count of samples for each value of k.
    pos_samples : numpy array
        Count of samples for each position in Y.
    obs_var_samples : numpy array
        Values of variance from obs_vars at sampled position.
    state_var_samples_1 : numpy array
        Values of variance from state_vars_1 at sampled position.
    state_var_samples_2 : numpy array
        Values of variance from state_vars_2 at sampled position.
    mu_samples : numpy array
        Values of filter mu at sampled position.

    length = len(Y)
    k_samples = np.zeros(kmax)
    pos_samples = np.zeros(length)
    obs_var_samples = np.zeros((samples, length))
    state_var_samples_1 = np.zeros((samples, length))
    state_var_samples_2 = np.zeros((samples, length))
    mu_samples = np.zeros((samples, length))
    trend_samples = np.zeros((samples, length))
    # Get the full length filter result to save time.
    kf_full = LocalLinearTrend(Y)
    output_full = optimize_params(kf_full)
    filtered_full = kf_full.filter(np.exp(output_full.x))

    for i in range(samples):
        k = int(np.random.choice(kmax, size=1, replace=True, p=pkdata)) # sample number of change points                
        k_samples[k] += 1
        L = length
        if k == 0:  # only one segment - the whole sequence
            pos_samples[L-1] += 1
            obs_var_samples [i, 0:L] = np.exp(output_full.x[0])
            state_var_samples_1 [i, 0:L] = np.exp(output_full.x[1])
            state_var_samples_2 [i, 0:L] = np.exp(output_full.x[2])
            mu_samples[i, 0:L] = filtered_full.filtered_state[0]
            trend_samples[i, 0:L] = filtered_full.filtered_state[1]
        else:  # sample backwards from end of sequence
            for l in range(int(k-1), -1, -1):
                probs =  np.array([S[l, 0, v-1] * S[0, v, L-1] for v in range(1,L)])
                normalized = normalize(probs)
                if np.abs(1.0 - np.sum(normalized)) > tol:
                v = int(np.random.choice(len(probs), size=1, replace=True, p=normalized))
                kf = LocalLinearTrend(Y[v:L])
                obs_var_samples[i, v:L] = obs_vars[v, L-1]
                state_var_samples_1[i, v:L] = state_vars_1[v, L-1]
                state_var_samples_2[i, v:L] = state_vars_2[v, L-1]
                filtered = kf.filter(np.exp([obs_vars[v, L-1], 
                                             state_vars_1[v, L-1],
                                             state_vars_2[v, L-1]]))
                mu_samples[i, v:L] = filtered.filtered_state[0]
                trend_samples[i, v:L] = filtered.filtered_state[1]
                # L = v-1
                L = v
                pos_samples[v] += 1
                if L <= 1:
        # if L > 1:
        if L > 2:
            kf = LocalLinearTrend(Y[0:L])
            obs_var_samples[i, 0:L] = obs_vars[0, L-1]
            state_var_samples_1[i, 0:L] = state_vars_1[0, L-1]
            state_var_samples_2[i, 0:L] = state_vars_2[0, L-1]
            filtered = kf.filter(np.exp([obs_vars[0, L-1], 
                                         state_vars_1[0, L-1],
                                         state_vars_2[0, L-1]]))
            mu_samples[i, 0:L] = filtered.filtered_state[0]
            trend_samples[i, 0:L] = filtered.filtered_state[1]

    return k_samples, pos_samples, \
            obs_var_samples, \
            state_var_samples_1, state_var_samples_2, \
            mu_samples, trend_samples

def plot_samples(X, Y,
                 k_samples, pos_samples, 
                 state_var_samples_1, state_var_samples_2,
                 mu_samples, trend_samples,
                 kmax = 10,
                 samples = 1000):
    plot_samples - make some plots.

    X : numpy array
        Times for x-axis.
    Y : numpy array
        Timeseries data.
    k_samples : numpy array
        Number of times each k value is sampled
    pos_samples : numpy array
        Samples of breakpoints for each position.
    obs_var_samples : numpy array
        Values of kalman filter observation variance sampled at each point.
    state_var_samples_1 : numpy array
        Values of kalman filter state variance 1 sampled at each point.
    state_var_samples_2 : numpy array
        Values of kalman filter state variance 1 sampled at each point.
    mu_samples : numpy array
        Values of kalman filter mu values sampled at each point.
    trend_samples : numpy array
        Values of kalman filter trend values sampled at each point.
    kmax : int, optional
        Maximum number of segments. The default is 10.
    samples : int, optional
        Number of backsamples. The default is 1000.


    size = 2
    # plot data
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, Y, 'o', markersize = size)
    ax.set_ylabel('Temperature Anomaly')
    plt.show(block = False)

    # probability of each change point
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.stem(list(range(kmax)), k_samples / samples)
    plt.title('Probability of K Change Points')
    plt.show(block = False)
    # probability of change point at each position
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.stem(X, normalize(pos_samples))
    plt.ylabel('Probability of Change Point')
    plt.title('Change Point Probability')
    plt.show(block = False)
    std_color = 'darkgrey'
    # plot varianaces
    mean_obs_var = np.mean(obs_var_samples, axis = 0)
    std_obs_var = np.std(obs_var_samples, axis = 0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, mean_obs_var, label = r'$\sigma _e^2$')
                    mean_obs_var - 2 * std_obs_var, 
                    mean_obs_var + 2 * std_obs_var, 
                    color = std_color,
                    label = '+/- 2 std')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma _e^2$')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma _e ^2$')
    ax.set_title('Mean Sampled Obs. Variance')
    plt.show(block = False)
    mean_state_var_1 = np.mean(state_var_samples_1, axis = 0)
    std_state_var_1 = np.std(state_var_samples_1, axis = 0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, mean_state_var_1, label = r'$\sigma _\eta ^2$')
                    mean_state_var_1 - 2 * std_state_var_1, 
                    mean_state_var_1 + 2 * std_state_var_1, 
                    color = std_color,
                    label = '+/- 2 std')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma _{\eta_1} ^2$')
    ax.set_title('Mean Sampled State Variance 1')
    plt.show(block = False)
    mean_state_var_2 = np.mean(state_var_samples_2, axis = 0)
    std_state_var_2 = np.std(state_var_samples_2, axis = 0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, mean_state_var_2, label = r'$\sigma _\eta_1 ^2$')
                    mean_state_var_2 - 2 * std_state_var_2, 
                    mean_state_var_2 + 2 * std_state_var_2, 
                    color = std_color,
                    label = '+/- 2 std')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma _{\eta_2} ^2$')
    ax.set_title('Mean Sampled State Variance 2')
    plt.show(block = False)
    mean_mu = np.mean(mu_samples, axis = 0)
    std_mu = np.std(mu_samples, axis = 0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, Y, 'o', markersize = size, label = 'Data')
    ax.plot(X, mean_mu, '-o', 
            markersize = size,
            label = 'Predicted Temperature Anomaly')
                    mean_mu - 2 * std_mu, 
                    mean_mu + 2 * std_mu, 
                    color = std_color,
                    label = '+/- 2 std')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Temperature Anomaly $^\degree$ C')
    ax.set_title('Mean Sampled Estimate')
    plt.show(block = False)

    mean_trend = np.mean(trend_samples, axis = 0)
    std_trend = np.std(trend_samples, axis = 0)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X, mean_trend, '-o', 
            markersize = size,
            label = 'Predicted Temperature Anomaly')
                    mean_trend - 2 * std_trend, 
                    mean_trend + 2 * std_trend, 
                    color = std_color,
                    label = '+/- 2 std')
    ax.set_title('Mean Sampled Trend Estimate')
    plt.show(block = False)
def main():
    args = GetArgs()
    data_file = args.input_file
    kmax = args.max_num_segments
    samples = args.num_samples
    rand_seed = args.rand_seed
    if rand_seed is None:
        rand_seed = int(time.time())
    rand_seed = int(time.time())
    print('seed = ', rand_seed)

    df = pd.read_csv(data_file)
    X = np.array(df['Year'])
    Y = np.array(df['Temperature_Anomaly'])
    # sample probability of segments
    S, pkdata, obs_vars, state_vars_1, state_vars_2 = calcSegments(Y, kmax)
    # backsample change points
    k_samples, pos_samples, \
    obs_var_samples, \
    state_var_samples_1, state_var_samples_2, \
    mu_samples, trend_samples = \
                   S, pkdata, 
                   obs_vars, state_vars_1, state_vars_2,
                   samples = samples)
    # plot them
    plot_samples(X, Y,
                 k_samples, pos_samples, 
                 state_var_samples_1, state_var_samples_2,
                 mu_samples, trend_samples,
    input('Press Enter to Exit...')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here are the important parts.

def optimize_params(model):
    def neg_loglike(params):
        return -model.loglike(np.exp(params))        
    output = minimize(neg_loglike, 
                      # model.start_params, 
                      [ 0.01, 0.01, 0.01], 
                      # [0.006553403, 0.009242106, 0.00597295], # from trend_gibbs.R
    return output


# calculate P(x[i:j],k=0) for all possible subsequences
    for i in range(len(Y)):
        print('i =', i)
        # for j in range(i, len(Y)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(Y)):  # this loop could be run in parallel
            kf = LocalLinearTrend(Y[i:j+1])
            output = optimize_params(kf)
            ll = - output.fun
            S[0,i,j] = np.exp(ll)

A Kalman filter is created and optimal parameters are found. The resulting log likelihood is used to calculate the probability.

Running the code on some toy data generates some interesting results. There are change points at 1950 and 2000.

The predicted temperature anomaly is the posterior mean of the sampled segments.

Here are the program's choices of change point and number of segments.

Here's a messier example, still toy data.

The filter tracks the data but there is a lot of noise.

And the algorithms is uncertain about the number and locations of change points.

Change points were generated at 1925, 1950, and 2000, but with wide variance. The estimated location of the change points is much more uncertain in this data. The program is "confused" by the large variances.

Real Data

Applying the algorithm to the temperature anomaly data has problems similar to the noisy data above.

The results indicate either zero (a single segment) or one change point.

Here we see maybe little blips around 1900, 1950, and 1975. Mostly the program can't seem to find any convincing change points, probably because the data is pretty noisy and we don't have a good probability model. Pretty depressing results for this data.

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