The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
~ Socrates
On 2021-09-24, I downloaded the COVID-19 metadata file from GISIAD. The file contains a whopping 3,795,999 records. The records refer to individual SAR-COV-2 genome sequences uploaded. This is an unprecedented scientific effort and an amazing resource. To get a since of whir can be don with such a large collection of data I suggest checking out this YouTube video by Trevor Bedford from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
In this post, I want to continue exploring variants of concern (VOC) in the US. There are 1,085,764 sequences with Location labeled as "USA".
First, the log of the sequence counts.
#' plot_named_variants #' Draw plots of daily counts and percentage of counts for variants of interest. #' #' @param meta_table A GISAID variant table read by read.csv. #' @param variants A vector of strings, the Pango lineages of interest. #' @param host A string indicating host species. #' @param country Country of interest. #' @param plot_counts A logical. Should daily counts be plotted? #' @param plot_percent A logical. Should daily percent counts be plotted? #' @param log A logical. Should counts be plotted on log scale? Ignored if plot_counts = FALSE. #' @param title An optional title string for plots. #' #' @return A date frame containing columns:, Variant, Count, Total, and Pct #' plot_named_variants <- function(meta_table, host = "Human", country = "USA", plot_counts = TRUE, plot_percent = TRUE, log = FALSE, title = NULL ) { library(tidyverse) ###################################### Helper Functions #################################### #' plot_pct #' Plot daily percent of each variant vs date. #' #' @param dfp A dataframe, see below. #' #' @return NULL plot_pct <- function(dfp) { p <- ggplot(dfp) + geom_point(aes(x =, y = Pct, color = Variant)) if(! is.null(title)) { p <- p + ggtitle(paste(title, "Percent of Daily Counts", sep = " ")) } print(p) return(NULL) } #' plot_cnts #' Plot daily counts of the variants. #' #' @param dfp A data frame, see below #' #' @return NULL plot_cnts <- function(dfp) { p <- ggplot(dfp) if(! log) { p <- p + geom_point(aes(x =, y = Count, color = Variant)) } else { p <- p + geom_point(aes(x =, y = log(Count), color = Variant)) } if(! is.null(title)) { p <- p + ggtitle(title) } print(p) return(NULL) } ########################################################################################### # Filter by host. Remove invalid dates and empty lineages. # Reformat Location into Country df <- meta_table %>% filter(Host == {{ host }}) %>% filter(Variant != "") %>% # mutate(Variant = ifelse(Variant == "", "Wuhan", Variant)) %>% select(, Location, Variant) %>% separate(Location, c("Region", "Country", "State"), sep = "\\s*/\\s*", extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>% select(-c("Region", "State")) %>% mutate( = as.Date(, format = "%Y-%m-%d")) %>% separate(Variant, c("V", "Name"), extra = "drop", fill = "right") %>% unite(Variant, V:Name, sep = " ", remove = TRUE) %>% mutate(Variant = as.factor(Variant)) # Filter by country and lineages # Count by date and lineage df2 <- df %>% filter(Country == {{ country }}) %>% group_by(, Variant) %>% count() %>% rename(Count = n) # get totals by date and lineage dfp2 <- df2 %>% group_by( %>% summarise(Total = sum(Count)) dfp3 <- data.frame( = as.Date(integer()), Pango.lineag = character(), Count = integer(), Total = integer(), Pct = double()) # construct a data frame of the counts of lineages and their percents for(var in unique(df2$Variant)) { dfp4 <- df2 %>% filter(Variant == {{ var }}) %>% full_join(dfp2) %>% mutate(Pct = Count / Total) %>% drop_na() dfp3 <- rbind(dfp3, dfp4) } dfp3 <- ungroup(dfp3) if(plot_percent) { plot_pct(dfp3) } if(plot_counts) { plot_cnts(df2) } return(dfp3) }
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